The research activities are conducted by a core team belonging to the Department of Medical and Surgical Specialties, Radiological Sciences, and Public Health (DSMC) in collaboration with colleagues of the same and other departments of the University of Brescia, and of collaborating institutions.

Core members

Alberto Signoroni

Alberto Signoroni

Group Coordinator, PA ING-INF/05

Davide Farina

Davide Farina


Mattia Savardi

Mattia Savardi


Faculty affiliates

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Marco Ravanelli

Faculty affiliate


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Maristella Saccomanno

Faculty affiliate


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Roberto Gatta

Faculty affiliate


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Sergio Benini

Faculty affiliate


Research affiliates

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Giuseppe D’Ancona

Research affiliates

Vivantes Klinikum Berlin

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Michele Svanera

Research affiliates

University of Glasgow

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Salvatore Curello

Research affiliates

Asst Spedali Civili

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Vittorio Rampinelli

Research affiliates

Asst Spedali Civili

PhD Students

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Alessia Calzoni

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Andrea Roletto

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Edoardo Coppola

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Giuseppe Bonfitto

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Mauro Massussi

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Serena Loda

MSc Students

Matteo Mone

Michele Signori

Samuele Ponzin




Nvidia DGX A100*
Dell with 2xA100 nvidia GPUs
Data Lake*: Dell PowerScale


*University investment co-financed by RL on Medical Informatics and Technology Laboratory Project