Chest X-Ray analysis

Chest X-Ray analysis

  Unveiling the Lungs through Deep Learning: A Peek into Chest X-ray Analysis Projects These projects highlight the multifaceted applications of deep learning in chest X-ray analysis, offering promising advancements

Brain MRI processing

Brain MRI processing

End-to-end Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architectures that allow for the segmentation and morphometric analysis of MRI brain volumes, while fighting the scanner effects.

AI for Digital Microbiology

AI for Digital Microbiology

Full Laboratory Automation is revolutionizing work habits in an increasing number of clinical microbiology facilities worldwide, generating huge streams of digital images for interpretation. Here is the work we did

ECG signal analysis

ECG signal analysis

We combine deep learning and transformers to automate and improve heart condition diagnoses from ECG. Transformers are particularly able to tackle long-range patterns crucial for comprehensive analysis, potentially leading to

Funded Projects

  • FISR 2020: ResponsiX: Responsible and clinically deployable AI-driven evaluation of COVID-19 disease severity on Chest X-rays (PI Prof. Alberto Signoroni)
  • PRIN 2022: QT-Seed: Quality-of-life Technological and Societal Exploitation of ECG Diagnostics (PI prof. Riccardo Bernardini UniUD, vice-PI prof. Alberto Signoroni)

Collaborations with institustions

  • Institute of Neuroscience and Psychology, University of Glasgow, UK
  • Sagol Brain Institute, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, IL
  • Vivantes Klinikum, Berlin, DE
  • University Medical Center of Leiden, NL

Collaboration with corps

Copan Italia s.p.a. (microbiologia clinica), El.Co. s.r.l. (sistemi informativi medicali), S.P.E. Sistemi e Progetti Elettronici s.a.s. (sistemi informativi medicali, data center), Yonder s.r.l.(spin-off UniBS), Antares Vision s.p.a., Gexcel s.r.l. (spin-off UniBS)